Every single year, there are annual events and conferences in every major field around the world. From huge sales events to community-driven conferences that bring people together, these events aim to get a large number of people that are interested in one topic in the same place. If you’re about to attend your first blockchain conference, then you have a valuable opportunity to conduct some effective blockchain event marketing schemes.
Considering that Bitcoin 2021 saw over 25,000 attendees and the Blockchain world summit saw 5,000 attendees, these events can be incredible marketing opportunities. But, how exactly do you go about blockchain event marketing? In this article, we’ll be addressing the benefits of attending these events and participating in them, as well as outlining three core elements that you should be sure to plan ahead.
Let’s get right into it.
Why Should I Attend These Events?
Blockchain conference marketing allows you to put your company in front of the eyes of potentially thousands of people. While marketing efforts online are effective, there is no guarantee that the advertisement you pay for is going to be clicked on by someone, nor that they’re even paying attention as your banner ad flashes across the screen.
Conferences, on the other hand, are where you can directly chat to people about your brand. If you have a booth, you can pull people in and start chatting to them face-to-face about what problems your platform can solve, or what the fundamentals behind your project are.
Alongside this, there are a range of benefits to focusing on blockchain event marketing.
Two Primary Benefits of Blockchain Event Marketing
- Brand Exposure – One of the main benefits of attending a conference is the fact that you’re able to get your brand on the world stage. As the only people that will actively attend the event are people that have a genuine interest in this field, you’ll have access to a continual stream of interested people to talk to about your product or platform. Especially considering how competitive the world of DeFi is, any advantage you can get from blockchain conference marketing is one you should absolutely take. The more people that see your brand, the more visibility you get, and the more people will trust your company.
- Reach Your Audience with Ease – Unsurprisingly, the people that attend blockchain events are fans of blockchain. With this benefit, you’ll be able to have face-to-face conversations with the community. Bringing a team of enthusiastic workers will allow you to build relationships with the community, getting your name out there while also helping people to put a friendly face to your company. This is a wonderful way of making your mark in the community and getting people to remember you.
Two Secondary Benefits of Blockchain Event Marketing
- Boost Sales Over Time – Lead generation is one of the primary benefits of attending events. From meeting new people and chatting to them about your brand, you’re able to explain exactly why your company is fantastic. From there, the rest of blockchain PR becomes easy as you have a direct connection to fall upon. If you offer any signup pages at your booth, you’ll also be able to directly collect leads throughout the day. After the event, you can use these to boost sales and pull in new clients.
- Further Networking – Within these blockchain event marketing conferences, you can connect to other businesses that also work within blockchain. This can provide an invaluable opportunity when focusing on building up backlinks, finding guest post opportunities, or even developing partnership product launches with other brands. Knowing who else is actively working in the blockchain community will give you a pool of professional contacts that you can network with and work with for years down the line.
As you can see, these events are an invaluable opportunity to get to know the community, engage with people, generate new leads, and even increase your brand exposure. Blockchain event marketing is incredibly fruitful when done correctly.
Let’s take a look at the three main focuses that you should follow when engaging in blockchain conference marketing.
Outline Goals Before The Event as Part of Your Blockchain Event Marketing Strategy
Setting goals is a vital part of ensuring that once an event is over, you’ve made some progress toward your company vision. These event-specific goals should be related to the conference itself and what your blockchain company can seek to gain from the event.
For example, you should move through a few different categories, setting goals for each of them.
Breakdown your goals with the following questions
- What Do I Want People to Takeaway? – Do you want people to think of your brand as an expert in the field? How are you going to achieve that? Perhaps you could launch a panel where you bring in some of your experts to talk about why your brand is effective, or how it’s solving a particular problem.
- What Should People Learn? – When people come up to your stall, what is the main goal of your blockchain event marketing; what do you want them to learn, understand, and take home about your company or platform.
- Target Audience – Although you’ll be directly within the blockchain community, are there any further communities (like NFT / digital art) that you’re going to be focusing on?
- Are You Trying to Profit? – While blockchain event marketing can indeed cost money, you can also make money at these events by selling services. Are you looking to make money, or is the main purpose of the event to boost your brand visibility within the community?
By working through these ideas and then seeing exactly what you’re looking for, you’ll be able to make a much better plan ahead of time.
From these questions and the answers you give, you’ll know what to target at the event and exactly why you’re there. Make sure that your goals follow the SMART principle, as this will allow you to measure and effectively track how effective your blockchain conference marketing efforts were at the event.
Go Big, But Don’t Forget About the Little Stuff
When arriving at a blockchain event, you have to remember that the vast majority of companies that attend the event will be working in the decentralized finance field. When working in something as specific as finance, brands often have a lot of money to throw at their blockchain event marketing efforts. Due to this, you’re not going to stand out from the crowd if you don’t come prepared.
We recommend that you continue your sense of branding into your booth, creating a themed stall that reflects what your company is all about. While going big and ensuring that people see your booth and come over is important, that isn’t the only thing you should remember to do.
What Smaller Materials Should I Bring?
- Marketing materials – From business cards to QR code cards that people can scan to find out more, be sure to fill your booth with lots of marketing materials.
- Flyers – A common aspect of branding that people forget is to include a range of flyers that you can give out to respective people that come to your booth. Instead of just engaging them with conversation, you’ll be able to give them a well-constructed graphic flyer that they can take with them. This will list key information about what you’re trying to explain, as well as hold your brand details.
- Freebees – People love free stuff. In fact, one of the best ways to boost engagement with your booth is to offer freebies. This also doesn’t have to be an expensive practice; you can simply buy a bunch of branded pencils or tote bags to give away for free. Even better if you include an element of branding on the thing you’re giving away, helping to spread your brand visibility even further.
Always go as big as you can while staying in your events budget, but remember these small things to add that little extra touch. These will allow you to boost your visibility and range when carrying out blockchain event marketing.
Create Specific Events That Will Engage Your Audience
A core part of events that you’ll likely come across or even participate in within the world of blockchain is conference speeches or panel events where an expert or group of professionals discuss something related to the community. If you have a specific platform or event, you should get in touch with the marketing teams that are organizing the event to ensure that you have an opportunity to get involved.
Speaking at a conference instantly puts your brand on the map, not only because you will now be included in marketing materials around that event, but also because you’ll get exposure to the entire audience watching.
The vast majority of the time, these conferences are live-streamed to a much bigger audience, with the modern tools that are not available, making this an easy way to bring additional publicity to the event itself.
If you have the opportunity to make an event yourself, then you should endeavor to pick a specific topic that still has enough interest. Something like ‘Advantages of Blockchain’ is too broad, meaning people won’t want to come. Meanwhile, “Advantages of {Your Company}’ is equally too narrow, meaning people won’t want to come.
Always look to create an event that’s somewhere in the middle, striking at a core issue in the community or answering a certain question. That way, anyone that’s had similar thoughts will be interested in what the speakers you’ve invited have to say.
Panels provide an invaluable opportunity for you to get your name out there, establish your company as an expert, and bring new eyes onto your platform.
Communicate with Other Brands Ahead of Time
When running a business, it can sometimes feel that you’re the only brand that matters, with hours upon hours of your days continually poured into this one project. While this is true, you should also be aware that other brands will certainly be attending the event.
Equally, due to the fact that many events now have online streaming and attendance capabilities, you’ll be able to see which companies are taking a hybrid approach to attendance. This option boosts attendance globally, ensuring that you reach even more people.
That said, you should always try and reach out to other companies that you know are going to be visiting the event you’re planning on attending. By extending invited to join your panels or form discussions together, you’re able to the draw even more viewers by capitalizing on the social network of that other company.
Working together with other blockchain marketing teams will help you boost the success of your presence at the event, expanding your reach and ensuring that your blockchain event marketing goes down swimmingly.
Final Thoughts
Attending your first-ever conference related to blockchain is an incredibly exciting experience. When participating in one of these blockchain marketing events, you’re able to directly access – face to face – thousands of people that have an interest in the exact field you’re working within. This can be a valuable opportunity to get your brand’s name out there, build up connections, and generate future leads.
That said, if you don’t plan ahead, then attending and making the most of a blockchain conference can be a bit of a pain. By using the tips and tricks that we’ve outlined, you’ll be able to create an effective strategy that will point you in the right direction.
Additionally, if you’re looking for a little bit of extra help, then you could always partner with a leading expert in blockchain conference marketing. At GuerrillaBuzz, our years of experience within the world of blockchain have led us to the very front of this field. We’ll be able to consult you on your blockchain event marketing strategy, give you pointers, and make sure that everything is in place to ensure a fantastic blockchain event.
Get in contact with us today to see exactly what we can do for you.
About the Author
Yuval is a savvy SEO and marketing expert with over a decade of experience. Specializing in the blockchain industry, he's the go-to guy for crypto companies looking to simplify their digital marketing strategies and achieve explosive growth. As a digital nomad and successful company builder, Yuval brings a fresh, creative perspective to every project he tackles.