by Yuval Halevi
Blockchain Marketing – Everything You Need to Know [2024]

When I entered the marketing world, I was amazed by its richness and variety. Marketing spans from offline to digital, each with dozens of niches. Mastering even one niche can take years. Among the most fascinating and challenging is Blockchain Marketing.

Blockchain marketing is difficult for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Trust: People often distrust new blockchain companies, making marketing a challenge.
  2. High Competition: Thousands of companies compete for the community’s attention.

This guide simplifies blockchain marketing, summarizing everything you need to know for a successful campaign in one page. I’ve spent weeks writing this guide and continuously updating it over the years to ensure it remains current and valuable.

Why You Should Read This Guide:

  1. Proven Expertise: Since founding GuerrillaBuzz, a blockchain marketing and PR agency in 2017, I’ve worked with hundreds of companies, many of which have become industry leaders.
  2. Innovative Strategies: I continuously seek new ways to spotlight our clients, from following the latest Google algorithm updates to inventing growth hacks.
  3. Learn from Experience: I’ve made many mistakes and learned from them and the successes of others. This guide will help you avoid expensive and time-consuming errors.
  4. Commitment to Education: We aim to elevate the marketing standard in the crypto space. Our blog and articles have been invaluable to our clients. If you find this guide helpful, please share it with your team and community to support our hard work.

Let’s dive in and start optimizing your marketing strategies with the latest techniques in Blockchain Marketing.


What Is Blockchain Marketing

What is Blockchain Marketing? Blockchain marketing refers to the strategies and activities used by blockchain companies to enhance brand awareness, drive traffic, cultivate communities, secure investments, and establish authority in the crypto ecosystem. Unlike traditional digital marketing, it requires unique approaches due to regulatory constraints, competitive landscape, evolving trends, community focus, ad restrictions, and privacy concerns.

Key aspects of blockchain marketing include:

  • Regulatory Constraints: Navigating the complex regulations surrounding blockchain projects, which can vary by region and type of offering.
  • Competitive Landscape: The increasing number of blockchain projects makes traffic acquisition competitive and costly.
  • Evolving Trends: The rise of Web3, NFTs, and the metaverse introduces new marketing opportunities and challenges.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: Establishing trust within the community is crucial for successful campaigns.
  • Community-Based Marketing: Many blockchain marketing efforts are community-centric, making it challenging for companies to reach beyond the crypto space and attract a broader audience.
  • Ad Restrictions and Privacy Concerns: While crypto ads are now allowed in more places, restrictions still exist, complicating efforts for companies accustomed to traditional PPC campaigns. Additionally, the target audience often uses ad blockers and values privacy, making it harder to reach them through conventional marketing channels.

Understanding the Importance of Blockchain Marketing and Its Benefits

Blockchain marketing is crucial for driving proactive growth. You can build groundbreaking technology, but without effective marketing, it’s unlikely people will hear about or use your product. Marketing is the main growth engine of your company, directly impacting its success.

Why Blockchain Marketing is Essential

A proactive marketing approach ensures your innovative technology reaches the right audience. Your marketing activities and their success will directly influence your company’s growth. The channels you choose—such as SEO, PR, and conferences—will shape your company’s public image.

For example, a company focusing on developers should run hackathons, workshops, and local meetups, and engage with communities like /r/ethdev and /r/programming on Reddit. Besides traditional channels like Twitter, you need to expand your efforts to where your target audience is most active.

The Benefits of Blockchain Marketing

Implementing a comprehensive marketing campaign offers several benefits:

  • Increased Traffic: Effective marketing drives more visitors to your website.
  • Trust and Brand Awareness: Consistent marketing efforts build credibility and brand recognition.
  • Faster Validation: Quickly gauge if people like your product, allowing you to make necessary improvements or changes.
  • User and Investor Engagement: Attract users and investors who are interested in your project.

Key Components of a Successful Blockchain Marketing Campaign

To achieve these benefits, you need a strategic approach that includes:

  • PR Strategy: Brainstorm, research, analyze, plan, execute, and measure your efforts.
  • Content Writing: Create engaging and informative content to attract and retain your audience.
  • SEO: Optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engine results, increasing visibility.
  • Content Distribution: Ensure your content reaches the right audience through various channels.

Key Components of a Successful Blockchain Marketing Campaign

To achieve the benefits of blockchain marketing, a strategic approach is essential. Below is a detailed data table outlining the key components, their descriptions, and pro tips on how to master them:

ComponentDescriptionPro Tip
PR StrategyA structured approach to public relations, including brainstorming, research, planning, execution, and optimization.Don’t only focus on top-tier sites; smaller sites can keep your article visible longer.
Content WritingCreating engaging and informative content to attract and retain your audience.Combine solid SEO and keyword research with real value. Avoid using Medium or subdomains for your CMS by default.
SEOOptimizing your website and content to improve search engine rankings and visibility.Use keyword research tools and update content regularly to stay relevant.
Content DistributionEnsuring your content reaches the right audience through various channels.Find your communities online. For developers, Reddit, Stack Overflow, and Daily Dev are essential.

Effective blockchain marketing involves mastering these components to drive traffic, build trust, and attract users and investors.

The PR Strategy Pyramid visually below represents the stages involved in a comprehensive PR campaign. By following these steps, you can create a well-structured and impactful blockchain marketing campaign.

PYRAMID OF Crypto PR Strategy Illustration GuerrillaBuzz

Important Social Media Channels For Every Blockchain Marketing Campaign

There are hundreds of different social media channels, most of which you don’t even recognize.

There’s a small misconception among many companies that try to be active on as many platforms as possible. 

From my experience, this usually leads to an elementary level of marketing on each network. This results in making your company lack a unique voice across different marketing channels.

The channels I recommend you to use for your marketing campaign are:

  • Reddit
  • Steemit
  • BitcoinTalk
  • Quora
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter


Guerrilla Blockchain Marketing Channels

Let’s dive into each channel and understand the right way to use it in your blockchain marketing campaign. Those channels are relevant for all the different fundraising methods. ICO, STO, IEO, and even IDO marketing and PR campaigns.


By far, my favorite channel. Reddit is one of the largest social media websites in the world. Unlike Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, Reddit is all about communities – known as subreddits. Some communities have millions of members who are passionate about a specific topic. 

In /r/cryptocurrency, for instance, there are over 6.2 million members (As for March 2023).

Screenshoot of subreddit :r:cryptocurrency members

You can find dozens of active crypto communities on Reddit. By having a strong brand presence in those communities, you can drive insane amounts of traffic to your domain and get the crypto community to know about your blockchain company. 

Reddit Traffic overview

With 1.6 billion page views per month (As for March 2023), Reddit should be the highest priority social media channel on your list for your blockchain marketing campaign. 


Steemit is the largest and best known decentralized social media channel. Users are being rewarded with STEEM for publishing and curating content. 

Blockchain marketing through steemit

With 7 million page views per month (mostly from users who care about crypto), Steemit is an essential social media blockchain technology for your marketing campaign. 

Even though most of the traffic is from the USA, it attracts many visitors from Asian countries too, mainly South Korea.

Traffic to steemit by country


BitcoinTalk is where everything started. It’s the first Bitcoin community, created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

Bitcoin Talk community size for blockchain marketing

For years BitcoinTalk was at the heart of the bitcoin community. Over the years, the forum became less active, and nowadays, BitcoinTalk still attracts millions of visitors per year, but it seems like it has lost some of its former glory.

BitcoinTalk visits over time

You should use BitcoinTalk to tell the community about your blockchain company in an ANN thread. Make sure you read the BitcoinTalk guidelines before posting. 


Most of you probably visit Quora a few times per month and don’t even notice.

Quora is the largest Question and Answer site in the world (Q&A). Besides the fact that this site is extremely useful, and people like it, there is another great thing about Quora. 

Search engines love it. Quora ranked 1st place on Google for more than 327,368 results. 

How Quora can help you rank highly for blockchain marketing

That’s a serious superpower. 
By understanding which questions rank highly and answering them, it’s possible to drive high-quality traffic to your site. If you’re wondering how to gain high-quality traffic to your website, look no further than using Quora as part of your marketing efforts! 

How to use Quora to drive traffic to your site through blockchain marketing

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Since you’re probably already familiar with Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, I will keep this short. If you’re wondering how to use social media to boost your reach, I suggest having a unique tone for each site.

For example, LinkedIn is more formal than Twitter and is a more B2B-oriented platform.

On Twitter, you should update your community and make sure you partner with other influencers and companies within your niche.

It’s enough to have one strong social media manager to boost your exposure on these platforms.

How Much Does Blockchain Marketing Cost?

Blockchain marketing is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond PR to include various activities like content writing, SEO, and content distribution. The cost of a comprehensive blockchain marketing campaign typically ranges from $5,000 to $30,000 per month. This budget can cover a combination of activities or focus on specific areas based on your goals.

Cost RangeDescription
$5,000 - $10,000Suitable for startups or projects with limited budgets.
$10,000 - $20,000Mid-tier budget allowing for more comprehensive strategies.
$20,000 - $30,000High-budget campaigns with aggressive growth targets.
$30,000+Premium campaigns aiming for industry dominance.

It’s important to note that larger campaigns are also possible. We have worked with companies that spend more than $80,000 per month on marketing efforts. There’s always room for increased brand awareness and buzz.

Strategic Cost Considerations for Blockchain Marketing

PR is not only about generating hype; it’s about maintaining a constant positive presence. Effective PR should be a part of your company’s long-term strategy. Consider the following insights:

  • Long-Term Focus: Allocate a consistent marketing budget each month for sustained growth.
  • Adjust for Milestones: Increase spending before major milestones or events to maximize impact.
  • Consistent Presence: Ensure your PR activities are ongoing, creating a continuous positive context for your target audience.
  • Breathing Campaign: View your marketing efforts as dynamic and evolving, expanding as needed to support significant events and milestones.

By adopting a structured, long-term approach to your marketing budget and focusing on consistency and strategic growth, you can effectively build and maintain your project’s presence in the competitive blockchain landscape.

Blockchain Marketing KPIs

Every company that respects itself must continuously measure certain KPIs to ensure they keep growing. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) evaluate your campaign’s success from the organization’s perspective. This means you need to turn certain actions you perform throughout your campaign into measurable parameters and constantly track their progress to determine if you’re doing well.

Since your CEO will urge you to justify each dollar spent on marketing, KPIs will become your best friend (or worst enemy, depending on how you look at it).

Here’s a data table summarizing the primary KPIs for blockchain marketing:

KPIDescriptionTools for Measurement
TrafficMeasures the total number of visitors to your site, indicating the reach of your marketing efforts.Google Analytics, privacy-focused alternatives
Branding and Brand AwarenessAssesses people's perception of your company, product quality, services, and employees. Repeated positive mentions can enhance recognition and trust.Google Alerts, social media monitoring tools
Organic Search and SEOTracks the effectiveness of your content and SEO strategies in improving your site's visibility and ranking on search engines.Google Search Console, Ahrefs
KPI meme

Let’s dive into each one of those KPIs to understand how to measure them.


Traffic should be the sum of all your marketing efforts.

This traffic can serve different purposes, like getting people to know about your company (brand awareness) and improve your overall site ranking (SEO). Still, the main reason is usually any acquisition.

From signing up to your IEO or start trading in your exchange, traffic can help with all the above if done correctly. 

You should target traffic to your site so that relevant people with a purpose flock to your content. 

You can measure your site traffic using Google Analytics or other more privacy-focused alternatives.

How to use google analytics to track engagement and blockchain marketing on your website

Branding and Brand Awareness with Blockchain marketing

As your company grows, one of your goals will be recognition within your niche and beyond.

Brand awareness is about people’s perception of your company, product quality, services, and even your employees. 

Not everyone who sees your company name or logo and visits your site will become a customer. 

But what if you could make such a remarkable impression that makes people remember your company name and what you do?

That’s what branding is about. 

And if you make your target audience see mentions of your company repeatedly in a positive context, that’s where brand awareness kicks in.

Try to highlight the importance of branding and brand awareness in your marketing campaign. This will help potentially mark your company as a market leader over the years. 

One way to track your brand awareness is by monitoring the internet and getting alerts whenever your company name appears online. 

You can do this by using Google Alerts

How to set up a google alert

In the ‘How often’ box, select ‘As-it-happens’ and in the ‘How many’ box, change it to ‘All results,’ then insert your email, and voila! You will get an alert from Google in your mail every time someone mentions your company’s name. If you want to monitor brand awareness, this is where to begin.

Organic Search and SEO

Most blockchain companies don’t care about SEO. Very few understand how important content and SEO strategy are in their blockchain marketing campaign plan. 

I find it strange. 

Site Engine Optimization (SEO) is about understanding what the Goole algorithm and your target audience like.

It’s about creating great content without asking users to sign up or leave their email. It’s about having a different marketing approach. 

Not every dollar you spend should show you ROI right away.

In some marketing channels, it could take months. 

Writing great content, understanding what triggers your target audience, getting this content ranked, and building backlinks is a very long process.

Starting with crypto SEO at an early stage is a great decision, but even if your company has been around for years, and you only realize how important this is now, no worries.

It’s never too late for Google to like you.

So how can you track your organic search and SEO progress?

Use Google Search Console(GSC) to track your organic search growth.

how to track blockchain marketing with Google Search Console

And tools like Ahrefs can help you track your backlinks, check how well your competitors are doing, find new keywords opportunities, and stay on top of your SEO game. 

Aherfs homepage explained

Blockchain Marketing Best Practices

While working with dozens of blockchain companies over the years, I’ve noticed that many companies make the same mistakes.

We could run marketing campaigns for half a year, and then once our campaign finishes and the company starts to run their own in-house marketing team, they begin to repeat their mistakes. Don’t fall into this trap!

We aim to give our clients both guidelines for marketing campaigns and also their marketing services. This helps them step up their game and run their marketing campaigns by themselves.

A big part of helping our clients raise more than $200 Million was that we worked hard to change our client’s approach to blockchain marketing. This showed significant results in the long run. 

I decided to write down a few of those guidelines and share them with you. It can potentially save you thousands of dollars and precious time.

Focus on SEO From the Early Stages

We’ve already spoken about SEO’s importance, and now I’d like to highlight the timing. If by any chance, you just started working on your company, I’m sure that marketing isn’t one of your top priorities. You need to build a superb product and get your company running.

So when will you start with SEO?

Probably when it’s already too late.

I mean, it’s never too late to start with SEO, but it’s also never too early.

Try to start creating great blog articles from the early stage. This will put you in a much better position a few months down the line. If you’ve done your content research, you’ll be generating lots of traffic.

How long does it take to get on the first page of google for blockchain marketing

This chart shows how long it takes (in days) for pages to get to the top 10 results on Google. I recommend starting with SEO and content creation at the very beginning. It might become your primary traffic source within a few months if done right.

Prioritize Communities

As we discussed in the second chapter of this guide, a few relevant communities in the crypto ecosystem exist. 

Each site has different audiences that prefer a specific voice or tone. The approach you use on Linkedin might not work on Reddit.

Mastering each site takes time. So what should you do? Prioritize. Understand which site is ideal for your company at the moment. 

For example, different social media sites are good for different things. In the early stages where you need client reviews, Reddit will be much more relevant than Facebook or LinkedIn.

If your company is about to go to a big conference in a few months and you want to maximize the potential of that conference, use LinkedIn, track relevant leads, and book meetings in advance.

Each network has its pros and cons, and your job is to understand which one is the most relevant.

If your company has enough resources to focus on all the different sites and social media channels, do it. But if it’s not possible, understand which site you should be active on and when.

Maximize Your PR Potential

Many of the companies who approach us after running their PR campaign tell us that one of the reasons they’ve spent so much on blockchain PR was to have logos of large publications on their homepage and in their pitch decks.

Forbes, Entrepreneur magazine, Inc., Fast company, Wired

I do think that when large publications mention your site, this can make your company gain credibility in the eye of your target audience. Still, if that’s the only benefit you’re looking to get from these actions, you’re missing the point.

Guerrilla content and PR strategy

By combining your PR efforts with Content Strategy and Distribution, you will maximize each article’s impact mentioning your company. 

Don’t Buy Your Community, Earn It.

It might be an unpopular opinion since many blockchain companies and even marketing companies are doing it, but buying fake followers for your social media channels is lame. 

In 2018, it was very common for ICOs to have a Telegram group of 90,000 people but with zero group interactions. No one was commenting or talking about the project, besides fake accounts and group moderators. 

How many companies buy telegram followers

So why do so many companies do it?

First impressions.

Blockchain companies know that their social reach is an indicator investors are using to decide if a project is worth getting into. But since the ICO boom of 2018, a lot has changed.

Investors have become a lot more suspicious towards blockchain projects, and ICOs have lost their credibility in the public’s eye.

Nowadays, Twitter profiles, Telegram groups, or any other social media channels with fake followers can make your company lose its credibility. I strongly recommend you not do buy fake followers.

A Telegram group with 1,000 active members is a lot better than an inactive one with 50,000 fake members.

Empower Your Blog

Once you understand the importance of SEO, you need to decide on your content strategy. One of the first decisions should be where you will publish your content. 

Many blockchain companies are using Medium as their blog or the main channel where they publish their articles. 

That isn’t effective.

After working with my startups and also blockchain explorers and companies over the years, I noticed that it’s only in the blockchain world that companies are using Medium as their blog.

Why do companies use Medium?

With the advance in the crypto market’s growth in 2017, companies needed to find a fast way to get their content indexed and ranked in no time.

Building a site, designing a beautiful blog, and creating great content is hard and takes time, which ICOs didn’t have. 

To solve this problem, they used Medium as their blog.

When you submit an article to Medium, it could get indexed and ranked within days if done right.

When we compare it to the many months it would have taken content in your blog to get ranked, Medium seemed like the perfect solution for those ICOs. 

The funny thing is that even after the ICO ended, companies still kept Medium as their primary channel. 

The problem is that creating content on Medium gives almost no value to your domain and the traffic is usually close to none. 
If 1,000 people visit your Medium articles every month, maybe 3% will continue to your site. 

But what if you could have all those 1,000 people visiting your site instead?

That’s why I urge you to have a blog on your site and keep the power in your hands.

The right way to combine Medium in your blockchain marketing strategy is to launch your company announcement and resubmit your content on Medium using canonical links. 

How to use canonical links on Medium

How is Blockchain Being Used in Marketing?

Blockchain technology has already found a home and multiple use-cases in multiple areas of the marketing world, similarly to what the technology has already done for a large variety of sectors and the benefits are not only restricted to consumers, businesses also have avenues to benefit from the utilization of blockchain technology to create savings and improve their own profitability.

Simplifying Ad Spending

There are already companies out there that have started to develop and experiment with blockchain technology to make digital ad spending easier and more democratic for publishers. For example, global giants IBM and Unilever have both taken strides to improve ad spending within their reach by utilizing blockchain technology.

Within this blockchain project, there is a verified and completely transparent chain for every single cent of advert spending down to the end-user. The end result of the project so far? Unilever has managed to save tens of millions of dollars as a result and it provides a workable use-case for blockchain in marketing.

Preventing Click Fraud

Click fraud has been a notable problem relating to paid advertisements for a long time now, and blockchain technology has the answer to this problem. What is click fraud? When adverts are on on websites, these websites receive payment based on how many people click on the displayed adverts. In click fraud, a person, or a program will imitate a genuine website user and click on the ads without there actually being a person that’s interested in the ad.

This is obviously a problem for marketers and those running the ads, as they’re forced to pay out more money to the websites hosting the ads, even though they’re not actually getting any additional benefits from the adverts on the website in question.

So where does blockchain technology come into this? Due to the transparent nature of blockchain transactions, it becomes much more difficult for a click fraudster to falsely imitate a genuine website user. There have also already been case studies into the effectiveness of blockchain in marketing, with Lucidity’s blockchain pilot partnership with Toyota yielding an increase of 21% in regards to campaign performance.

How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Marketing in 2024 and Beyond

Blockchain technology is transforming the marketing landscape by providing enhanced privacy, transparency, and efficiency. Here are some of the key ways blockchain is revolutionizing marketing:

BenefitDescriptionUse Case Example
Enhanced PrivacyUsers control their data and choose whether to share it, reducing unwanted ads.Brave browser allows users to opt-in for ads and earn Basic Attention Tokens (BAT).
Improved TransparencyConsumers can verify product origins and ethical practices, increasing brand trust.Everledger tracks diamonds from mine to consumer, ensuring authenticity and ethical sourcing.
Reduced FraudBlockchain's immutable ledger prevents ad fraud and ensures genuine user interactions.Lucidity's partnership with Toyota reduced ad fraud and improved campaign performance by 21%.
Secure and Efficient TransactionsBlockchain enables direct transactions without intermediaries, reducing costs and delays.Unilever's blockchain ad spending project saved millions by ensuring transparent ad spend tracking.

Blockchain marketing goes beyond traditional methods by addressing critical issues such as privacy concerns and fraud, which are particularly relevant in the crypto space.

  • Privacy and User Control: Users are increasingly concerned about their data privacy. Blockchain provides a solution by allowing users to control their data. For instance, the Brave browser lets users opt-in for ads and rewards them with Basic Attention Tokens (BAT), creating a more user-centric advertising model.

  • Transparency and Trust: In today’s market, consumers demand transparency about the products they purchase. Blockchain technology ensures that consumers can verify the origins and ethical practices of products. Everledger, for example, tracks the provenance of diamonds, ensuring they are ethically sourced and genuine.

  • Fraud Prevention: Ad fraud is a significant issue in digital marketing. Blockchain’s immutable ledger helps prevent fraudulent activities by ensuring that all interactions and transactions are genuine. Lucidity’s collaboration with Toyota demonstrated this by improving the accuracy and performance of ad campaigns, reducing instances of fraud.

  • Cost Efficiency: Traditional marketing often involves intermediaries that increase costs and cause delays. Blockchain allows for direct, transparent transactions, cutting down unnecessary expenses. Unilever’s blockchain project showcased how transparent ad spending can lead to significant savings.

Blockchain technology is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how marketing operates, offering greater efficiency, security, and trust.


Running a blockchain marketing campaign is a difficult task. Still, with the right planning and a great marketing team or expert marketing agency, you can drive thousands of people to your site, position your company as a market leader, and reach your company KPIs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Blockchain marketing definitely doesn’t seem easy at first. You’re likely to still have plenty of questions on your mind. Hopefully, this section will cover some of your main worries.

How long does a blockchain marketing campaign take on average?

Effective marketing is critical for any blockchain project’s success. To achieve sustained growth, community engagement, and investor trust, it’s essential to establish a strong marketing foundation from the outset. Regardless of the project type, a clear brand identity, loyal community, and positive reputation are all essential components of a successful marketing campaign. Moreover, effective marketing should be viewed as a long-term investment in your project’s success.

While some marketing activities may yield results in the short term, sustained efforts over time are necessary to build a strong investor community, attract new visitors, and showcase your project’s strengths and unique selling points. Therefore, limiting marketing campaigns to a specific timeframe can be counterproductive.

Ideally, marketing should be integrated into the company’s activities as a fundamental growth strategy, with sustained efforts across social media engagement, content creation, community building, and positive PR outreach.

With expert guidance and a strategic approach, your blockchain project can stand out in the competitive blockchain industry and achieve long-term success. A well-executed marketing campaign that establishes a clear brand identity, builds a loyal community, and earns investor trust can help you achieve sustained growth and success in the blockchain ecosystem.

How is Blockchain changing Digital Marketing?

When people initially find out about blockchain, their mind goes straight to cryptocurrency. While this is normally the case, blockchain also has more diverse applications.

Blockchain is about creating a public and permanent record of exchange. These will be traceable, holding businesses and individuals accountable.

But how does this impact digital marketing?

First of all, it’ll be much easier for small companies to build trust. Currently brands become obsessed with building social proof and rising to popularity. But, this won’t always be the case. As blockchain rises into the mainstream, transactions will become more transparent.

Due to this, people’s online safety will increase as scam websites will become few and far between. This will make it easier for small companies to grow. 

With the rise of blockchain, new currencies will also start to be accepted. From Bitcoin to Ethereum and everything in between, traceable currencies will become common.

With these changes, we’ll be entering a whole new era of digital marketing. one that is safer, and even perhaps less competitive, than before. 

To summarise, here are a few key changes:

  • It will become easier for small companies to build trust
  • Transactions will become traceable and more transparent
  • Online safety will increase
  • Paying with new currencies will become common

How does Blockchain help marketers?

While blockchain technology represents a record of transparent, secure, and unalterable exchange. Due to the near-zero transaction fees with blockchain, you’ll soon be saving money on exchanges.

As blockchain grows, it will also begin to cut out the middle man. Instead of marketing through an agency like Facebook, blockchain will allow direct advertising. A company may offer a user a small amount of money to use their app. While on their app, they’ll receive targeting advertisements.

Instead of working through a middle man, blockchain will allow you to advertise directly to your audience. This will cut down on marketing fees in the long run, and allow you to take a target approach. 

What does Blockchain mean for marketing in the future?

This means that marketing will move away from services like Google and Facebook. These two giants will no longer have a duopoly in digital advertising. Blockchain marketing will level the playing field, letting marketers work for less.

As blockchain rises in popularity and accessibly, NFTs will come into play. For example, KODAKOne recently launched across the world. This blockchain service allows photographers to own the rights to their own work. Instead of accessing the photos indirectly, blockchain will ensure that whoever owns work always gets paid for its use.

This will cut back on scams, fraud, and the theft of intellectual property.

How do I choose the right Blockchain marketing agency?

There are three central things to watch for when looking for a blockchain marketing agency. Make sure the agency you pick has:

  • Case Studies to their name
  • Reviews
  • Ample Resources

Case Studies

Without case studies, a blockchain marketing agency cannot prove its worth. Without evidence to back up their proposed results, you don’t know if they can deliver. We recommend that you make sure your agency has already completed campaigns. 

For example, here at GuerrillaBuzz, we’ve got a whole host of case studies for you to read through. You’ll be able to see how effective we are by following actual real life past examples. 

Don’t trust blindly, be sure to check out a blockchain marketing agency’s past work.


Much like case studies, a blockchain marketing agency should have some reviews. Social proof is a hot commodity in the digital landscape. Be sure to look out for things such as:

  • A list of past clients
  • Customer quotes
  • Longer customer reviews

If an agency has a page of testimonials, you’re probably on to the right track. 

Ample Resources

One of the primary strategies for digital marketing is producing content. If your blockchain marketing agency doesn’t have their own content, they’re not following their own advice. A company that fails to produce content that is of a high-quality and offers insight isn’t producing any value for their users.

Be sure to search for a blog page, where there should be plenty of articles. Even better if they’ve especially got articles for the type of marketing you’re looking for!

Here at GuerrillaBuzz, we’ve got it all. From stellar reviews to case studies that document our excellent digital marketing strategies, we’ve got a history of happy customers. Get in contact today for a free consultation. 

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a technology that enables secure and transparent record-keeping by ensuring that data is difficult to modify retroactively, thereby reducing the risks of hacking and system manipulation. Instead of relying on centralization, a blockchain employs a decentralized distributed ledger that is shared across the entire network.

For example, if someone attempts to alter an existing block within the blockchain, this modification would become visible to all other participants on the network. In order to compromise a blockchain, an attacker would have to modify every block in every version of the network simultaneously.

This feat is virtually impossible to achieve, making blockchain a highly secure and reliable system for storing information.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the most common mistakes blockchain companies make in their PR campaigns?

Common PR mistakes in blockchain include:

  • Misunderstanding Your Audience: Tailor content to the publication’s audience.
  • Lack of Strategy: Relying on hype without a clear plan.
  • Overvaluing Top-Tier Media: Focus on both top-tier and smaller sites for lasting visibility.
  • Overspending on Conferences: Balance budget to ensure continuous engagement.
  • Going Silent in Bear Markets: Maintain engagement with cost-effective activities.

Avoid these mistakes to improve your PR efforts. For more details, read our article on Common PR Mistakes Crypto & Web3 Companies Make

Why is having a proper strategy essential for PR in blockchain marketing?

A proper PR strategy is crucial for several reasons:

  • Targeted Efforts: Ensures your content reaches the right audience through tailored messages for different publications.
  • Sustained Impact: Maintains visibility beyond initial hype by diversifying content and platforms.
  • Budget Efficiency: Allocates resources effectively, avoiding overspending on conferences or top-tier media alone.
  • Consistent Engagement: Keeps your audience engaged with continuous content production and community interaction.

For detailed strategies on creating an effective PR campaign, read our article on Crypto PR Strategies 

How can I measure the ROI of my blockchain marketing campaign?

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of a blockchain marketing campaign is essential to understand its effectiveness and optimize future efforts. Here are key steps to measure ROI:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Establish what success looks like for your campaign (e.g., increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, greater brand awareness).
  • Track Key Metrics: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates.
  • Analyze Social Media Impact: Measure the reach and engagement of your social media posts related to the campaign.
  • Monitor PR Coverage: Track mentions, backlinks, and media coverage to gauge the campaign’s visibility.
  • Evaluate Community Growth: Assess the growth and activity levels of your online communities on platforms like Reddit, Telegram, and Discord.
  • Use Attribution Models: Implement multi-touch attribution models to understand which marketing channels and tactics contribute most to conversions.
Author Yuval Halevi

Yuval is a savvy SEO and marketing expert with over a decade of experience. Specializing in the blockchain industry, he's the go-to guy for crypto companies looking to simplify their digital marketing strategies and achieve explosive growth. As a digital nomad and successful company builder, Yuval brings a fresh, creative perspective to every project he tackles.