Crypto guest posting is one of the best ways you can gain backlinks for your website, while also building your business’s reputation and increasing your customer base. Sounds pretty neat, right?
In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to start crypto guest posting. By the end, you’ll be a master of finding leads, securing guest post spots, and writing effective guest post articles. Let’s jump right in.
What is crypto guest posting?
A guest post is any content that you write directly for someone else’s blog. The only difference between this and a normal article is that one goes on your blog, while a guest post is uploaded to another website.
A crypto guest post is writing content on someone else’s blog about the crypto industry for users that consume crypto content. You’ll be using your knowledge of blockchain to create engaging crypto content for another person’s blog.
As a content creator, it might seem counteractive to create and post content on other people’s sites. But, there are several reasons why guest posting can help transform your business. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Why is guest posting important for your crypto business?
There are several reasons why guest posting is important for your business. While the largest of these is garnering backlinks, you’ll also be gaining exposure, as well as solidifying your brand as a source of knowledge.
A backlink is a link that points from someone else’s website back to yours. These are one of the major pieces of the puzzle that let Google know that you’re a reputable business. Having more backlinks will help you move up the Google rankings, ensuring that more people reach your website.
Backlinks are one of the most important elements of crypto SEO. If you want to learn even more about how to maximize your site’s Google rankings, be sure to check out the complete crypto SEO checklist.
Considering that 66% of Bitcoin’s traffic comes directly from Google searches, ensuring that your blockchain business is as high up on the search list as possible is essential.
By posting on other people’s sites, you’ll be able to write backlinks into your guest posts. This will give your website more backlinks, while also increasing the number of sites that are linking to yours – both valuable assets of off-page SEO strategy for crypto businesses.
When you write a guest post for another website, you’re exposing yourself to a whole new audience. While there certainly may be some cross-over, especially if you’re writing in the same niche, it’s likely that you’re going to be finding new readers.
By writing engaging and informative content for another website, you’ll demonstrate to a whole new group of readers why they should be following your website. Think of a guest post as a trial of your writing style, information, and article content useability. If your article turns some heads, then a few readers are sure to check out your whole website for even more!
With more exposure comes more people visiting your website. What’s not to love!
Establishing yourself in the crypto community
By frequently posting on a range of well-known cryptocurrency websites, you’ll be exposing yourself to a large audience. With this comes the acknowledgment from your readers that you’re an expert in the field. If you’re browsing through crypto posts and constantly see the same authors posting, you’ll quickly begin to recognize their names.
Once you establish yourself on a few different websites, people will recognize your name and automatically associate you with being knowledgeable about the crypto community. With this comes trust, with people flocking to your brand or business as they trust that you know what you’re talking about.
Just think to yourself, are you more likely to read through a website made by someone whose content you’ve previously read and enjoyed or someone who you’ve never heard of.
In our modern world, social proof is everything. Writing guests posts will get your name out there, developing your own identity or your businesses’ identity as both knowledgeable and trustworthy.
How to find a website for Crypto Guest Posting
While crypto guest posting can provide a whole range of benefits, how exactly do you go about finding places to guest post?
There are five main ways of finding a website to guest post:
- Google Search Manipulation
- Competitor ‘As Featured In’ Pages
- Reverse Google Image Searching
- Social outreach
These range from steps that take a couple of seconds to ones that rely on outreach and communication, and could take much longer. Make sure to try all of these approaches, as you may find that one is more effective for your business than another.
Google Specific Searches
Google is without a doubt one of the most powerful tools currently available around the world. Every single day it is estimated that there are over 6 billion searches on Google. While you are certainly versed in Google and using Google searching, did you know that you can make your searches even more specific?
By using quotation marks, you can narrow down your Google search to only provide links that directly quote what you’ve typed in. We can use this tool to our advantage when finding crypto guest posting opportunities.
For example, by typing in “Crypto” + “guest post”, we’ll receive a range of websites that directly mention these topics together. Here’s the results page to that search:
Not only are there some opportunities, but there are even lists that have cultivated a range of further links that you can then go on to. This method is fantastic at generating leads for your business.
But this tactic doesn’t just stop there. You should be aiming to use a range of different searches, some of which could include:
- “Guest Post” + “Crypto”
- “Guest Colum” + “Crypto”
- “Submit News” + “Crypto”
- “Articles Wanted” + “Crypto”
- “Guest Posts Wanted” + “Crypto”
Brain Dean has actually crafted a list of 40 Google Search Strings that you should try out when searching for guest posting opportunities. For your blockchain business, you can use your ‘keyword’ as a range of the following:
- “Crypto”
- “Blockchain”
- “Cryptocurrency”
- “IDO”
Here is the full list of search strings:
When you find a place that offers Guest posting, be sure to note it down in a spreadsheet so you can come back to it later.
‘As Featured In’ crypto guest posting websites
The ‘As Featured In’ section of a website is where a business, product, or individual will reference all the places in which another high-traffic website has mentioned their product.
By looking at this list, you’ll instantly be gifted several sites that have before, and most likely will again, accommodate to posting about your niche. To use this tool correctly, you’re going to want to find a competitor website that is roughly the same size as your business.
If a website has accepted a crypto guest post from a competitor website, then you, too, most likely could write a guest post for that website. By taking a look at all the main websites that have linked to them, you’ll instantly find places to directly go and search on.
Once you know these websites, try and find the guest that your competitors wrote. That way, you’ll be able to understand what content they were able to write, and produce better content in a similar style. Doing this will allow you to outreach to the website your competitor guest posted on, also asking for and securing a guest post.
Reverse Google Image Search
Doing a reverse Google image search seems like a part of the internet that is rarely used. However, when it comes to crypto guest posting, it can become an invaluable tool that we can use.
At the bottom of some blogs, there will be a small section About The Author, where often a photo and some small details about whoever wrote the post is located. By scrolling down to this section on your competitor’s website, then copying the image address of a photo, you can then paste this into Google Images.
While many of the search results will be their own site, the more you look, the more names suddenly start to come to the fore. By clicking on other websites, you can then find places that are frequently either accepting guest posts, or writing about your niche.
If the post looks more like a summary than a guest post, why not reach out over email and enquire if they’re accepting posts. Alternatively, you can offer information, which I’ll come to in the outreach section.
Using Reverse Google Image searching is a fantastic way of finding out who is talking about your competitor’s content and where those leads are coming from. is a central database of all of the most successful, or largest, blogs and people in a niche. This list is updated fairly regularly and is a holy grail of finding large blogs in any niche. No, really, they seem to have a board for absolutely everything.
To find crypto guest posting opportunities, simply go to the Tech section and then into Cryptocurrency. You’ll be greeted with a huge list of the largest crypto blogs out there. While you may have heard of a good portion of them, you’re still likely to stumble across some hidden gems on the way!
Go onto these sites and have a look at the bottom of their pages. Sometimes you’ll find a ‘Write for us’ or ‘Work with us’ section linked. This will provide a space where you can send in details about a possible guest post and why it would benefit the company.
Outreach is the process of sending emails or DMS out to people in the crypto space, either site owners or people with a large blog following, in order to get them to feature you on their pages. You might be thinking, why would another site ever want to feature me when they could just write their own content?
That’s where having quality content comes in. When you write a guest post on another person’s website, you’ll be providing them with a source of buzz on their website, while also getting backlinks and more viewers moving to your site.
One of the best ways to ensure that people you reach out to actually want to feature you is to ensure you fill your articles with solid data and infographics.
It’s been proven time and time again that articles with images do better than those without. In fact, articles with images get 94% additional views than those without.
The same goes for statistics. The majority of backlinks, just look at the one I’ve provided above, often directly reference a statistic or fact. Article writers don’t link to other articles just to say something was good or bad, but instead they use them to better their arguments and provide evidence.
If you can pack your articles with statistics, there is a high chance that you’ll cultivate more backlinks. This also goes for when you’re writing a guest post. If you can prove in the email stages that your article is densely packed with information and great content, then a website is more likely going to want to feature it.
Email Outreach
Let’s discuss email outreach and how you can stand out from the busy inbox. The number of emails sent every single day is continuously rising.
Back in 2017, 269 billion emails were sent each day.
Moving forward to 2019, 289 billion emails were sent every day.
Now in 2021, roughly 316 emails are sent each day. That sure is a lot of competition to stand out from.
The reason that email marketing is often overlooked is due to the sheer quantity of marketing emails that are sent out daily. However, by actually crafting an email that demonstrates the quality of what you have to offer, you’ll be writing something that cannot be ignored.
Try to avoid generic email templates, like this one:
While there is no hard and fast email template – as these often seem spammy and are far too overused – there are definitely a few key things that you should always focus on and take into account when writing:
Complement whoever you’re writing to
You should know several of this person’s articles and have something to say about them. Think of actual specifics, like how they phrased a certain point or how interesting a statistic they found is.
Explain why you can help them and how your content is of value
No one is going to be doing you any favors. Due to this, you need to demonstrate exactly why your work is a cut above everyone else. One easy way to do this is to bring some hard data to your email, showing some research that you’ve undertaken and how it could benefit their website, or help reshape an article with better data.
Target the person you’re writing to.
If someone specializes in a small part of the crypto community, you don’t want to bombard them with generalist content. Make sure you know who you’re talking to and what they will find important and interesting.
With these things in mind, you’ll be able to craft an email that gets people interested and lands you some crypto guest posts!
If you want even more detail about crypto link-building outreach, then check out our full guide!
Crypto Guest Posting – How to Write
You’ve found the leads, you’ve got an article idea in place, and you’ve even found people to post the article. Only one problem – how do you actually write a Cypto guest post? Let’s break this down into a few steps:
- Topic Ideation
- Length and Format
- Writing Process
- Author Bios
Topic Ideation
This is all about coming up with an idea for your crypto article. You should go in with a couple of ideas, you could be writing about a new statistic you’ve uncovered, or providing some valuable content in your niche.
Let’s start with titles. Titles normally follow one of these formats:
- What is X
- How to X
- Best Examples of X
- Benefits of X
- Tips for X
Many of these articles also come with numbers, known as listicles, offering something like “10 best tips for X”. These can be an easy place to start as they give you a format to follow. If you’re going to writing about your top cryptocurrency picks, you can select one of the titles and then just fill out the format with your picks!
Another way to find content is to look in the Google recommended searches. If we type in ‘Top cryptocurrency software’, we’ll receive a ‘People Also Ask’ section.
This could key us into some other possible avenues we could begin to search for. Similarly, at the bottom of the page, there is another section of recommendations. You could pick one of these to write about, or click on it, scroll to the bottom, and a whole new set of topics that are frequently searched in Google.
Length and Format
While there is no hard and fast rule for length and format when writing your own posts, when it comes to crypto guest posting, there is. You should try and match your content to the site that you’re going to be posting on.
If their website has short articles of 500-word listicles with one or two photos, then that is what you should also be going for. Echo this structure when you’re writing your own listicle.
Alternatively, if they have 1000-2000 how-to guides, then think of some content you could produce that follows this style.
Guest posting is about accommodating to the audience that is going to be reading your work. You don’t want to shake things up when you’re entering a whole new website.
Writing Process for Crypto Guest Posting
Everyone has a different writing process that they follow. Some people take longer to write, while some can write articles quickly. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, the best advice we can give is to plan your articles ahead of time.
By having a title and several subsections, you’ll be able to mentally plan out your article ahead of time.
As the old mantra goes, fail to plan, plan to fail.
Just be sure to pack your article with useful content. Great ways to do this are by including infographics and statistics in your post. Even better if you conduct your own research.
If you want more information about the writing process, then check out our total guide for Crypto blog SEO.
Author Bios
When you write on another person’s website, you’ll often have the opportunity to fill out an Author Bio. This will appear at the bottom of your page and is an area where you can link back to your own website, as well as including a bit of information about you.
Check out this Author Bio. It clearly defines who he is, what he does, and links to his Twitter account. All you’d do is replace the Twitter link to a phrase that states ‘Writer on [Your Website’].
On-Page SEO for Crypto Guest Posting
The most important thing to remember when writing a guest post is to structure your work around one central keyword. Using a tool like Google Keyword Planner, you can quickly find out which keywords have a medium or low level of competition, while maintaining a high search volume.
We’ve written a detailed crypto keyword research guide here!
Be sure to include your keyword throughout your article, as well as using it in your title, and a few of your headings.
On-Page SEO also includes optimizing images, making sure that every image you upload into your article has a filename that relates to the image and has a filled-in ALT description, which explains what’s going on in the photos.
Within articles, you’ll also aim to include at least one outwards link (to an external site) and two internal links. When it comes to guest posting, this isn’t as important. Your main objective should be seamlessly linking back to your own site, where it is needed.
If you want even more help with on-Page SEO, be sure to check out our Crypto SEO Checklist.
Final Thoughts
Crypto guest posting can be a hard thing to start. From finding leads to securing those early articles, it’s not an easy process. However, by following the above steps we’ve outlined, you’ll be well on your way to getting your articles published across the intenet.
If you need more help with crypto guest posting, be sure to reach out to us. We have years of experience under our belts and can help plan your blockchain PR and blockchain marketing strategies with ease.
About the Author

Yuval is a savvy SEO and marketing expert with over a decade of experience. Specializing in the blockchain industry, he's the go-to guy for crypto companies looking to simplify their digital marketing strategies and achieve explosive growth. As a digital nomad and successful company builder, Yuval brings a fresh, creative perspective to every project he tackles.